Having a new product noticed among a billion web sites isn't easy. Giving a product an individualized public face makes it easier to find. Ender Design launches configurator.technology as an SEO optimized landing page for Virtual~Sands' custom system maintenance tool. Keeping things simple with key features, visual engagement, and straight forward purchasing, the goal is to create a path of least resistance from description to sale.Get in touch to discuss how Ender Design can help you...
Ender Design Inc. is starting the journey with Lungate, a company based out of Illinois that specializes in providing professional services, equipment, and software for computer networking, IP Telephony, wireless, and security. We look forward to working with them in redesigning their online presence to help successfully grow their business.Get in touch to discuss how Ender Design can help you with your web site. Helping Businesses since 1996.Vision. Goals. Bottom-line...
Sometimes the basics are enough, offering simple descriptions and key features. However, sometimes good decisions and increased confidence require more. So we took a one page site and added StorageCenter depth to the bContinuous line of services. This has the added benefit of providing multiple single page landing pages for entry and SEO. Thus improving marketing position and exposure.Get in touch to discuss how Ender Design can help you with your web site. Helping Businesses since...
Ender Design is more than graphic arts and web development. "Configurator" is a pc-based application that solves configuration problems, sets prerequisites, and establishes bcp snapshots of systems. This system is a desktop application with broad compatibility from xp to current windows versions. As an application designed for resale it was created with both user tools to assist in building profiles and a web-based licensing api to handle proper usage limitations. "Configurator" is a good...
Being noticed among a billion web sites isn't easy. The more public faces you have the easier you are to find. Ender Design launches technology.repair as an SEO optimized landing page for Virtual~Sands' computer maintenance service. Focusing on to-the-point simplicity, visual engagement, and efficient implementation, the goal is a specific target and to draw new business.Get in touch to discuss how Ender Design can help you and your business succeed. Helping Businesses since...
Ender Design planted the seed back in September with the announcement of a new shareable data format for botanical science, Plant.FYI. Now, Ender Design establishes Plant.FYI's digital persona with the launch of an introductory web site and social media channels. Understanding business we know that having good ideas is only a small fraction of success. Starting with the data interchange format, its now time to become known and build traction in the industry through digital marketing. Ender...
VS Mail gets a new identity more suited to its capability.Re-branding and marketing a product means building a new engaging persona. We created a new single page responsive web site and log off exit landing page for TouchBase.io. With the goals of promoting a broader feature set than the old VS Mail and building the product connection to Virtual~Sands, Ender Design deployed the new straight forward presentation for the product. Visit the new identity at TouchBase.ioGet in touch to...
Web sites like a house sometimes need a facelift.After an internal survey and using the findings, Ender Design is starting the process of working with the CT Rose Society to fulfill the following goals:- Bring their web site to current standards - Improve information hierarchy - Improve usability based on surveyed needsWe look forward to working with the CT Rose Society throughout this journey.Get in touch to discuss how Ender Design can help you with your web...
Re-Launch of Bougainville Fund ManagementA marketing persona needs to keep pace with the changes of the business. For an online presence, getting your information out there as soon as possible is important. To accomplish this, a simple placeholder page does the job. However, when a business grows more information becomes available and appearances are refined. We embraced this transition with the redesign of the bougainvillellc.com site.When it all comes together, the business is...
Introducing a new shareable data format for botanical science ... Plant FYIInformation about plants is found in about as many formats as the number of plants themselves. Ender Design is developing a data interchange schema to be shared and distributed so that information in this industry can be exchanged. This will help commercial growers, educational organizations, retailers, professionals, hobbyists, and even home owners with plants. The goal is to make growing plants easier by having...
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